16 avr. 2014

898 - Conseil en gouvernance de l’information pour Records Managers « paralysés »

Lu sur le site searchcontentmanagement cette entrevue avec Steve Goodfellow, président de Access Systems Inc. Intitulée « Information governance tips for 'paralyzed' records managers » dont je reproduis ici une portion du texte introductif :

« Records management is rapidly becoming a necessity for many organizations, but it's also an intimidating prospect. Many records managers are" "kind of paralyzed" and are unsure of how to begin… »

« … the problems that records managers face today stem from the rapid pace of technological change and an age-old problem: Managing physical and digital records -- while completely possible -- requires a solid, cohesive system that can encompass both universes. »

« Many organizations have processes in place that stand in the way of successful records management. For example, some organizations regularly copy data and store it on local hard drives as well as centralized servers. Duplicative archiving creates problems by jeopardizing the single authoritative, or golden, image of a record. In other situations, companies have brought in new technologies that don't suit their business processes well. As a result, users may flout processes and manage records improperly or not at all. So, overall information governance strategy is also critical. »

Michel Roberge

1 commentaire:

Sophie Roy a dit...

Tout à fait d'accord avec la paralysie qu'offre l'ampleur de la tâche!