3 févr. 2010

213 - 2010 : l'année de la gestion des documents technologiques

C’est ce qu’annonce Debra Logan (Gartner) sur son blogue. Je me permets ici de citer l’essentiel de son constat qui fait musique à mes oreilles :

« While we have been focusing on faster processing, increased bandwidth and ever denser storage devices, most of us have neglected to pay attention to the vast mountains of data that have been accumulating as a result of all this wonderful technology. »

« Everyone, but everyone, in every company that uses desktop or laptop PC, has the job of managing their own information. Some of us create personal taxonomies and file things carefully. Others rely on desktop search to find what they need. In any case, very few can see the point of deleting any of it: that disk is SO BIG and even if the information is of marginal (or no) value, saving it “just in case” is surely a good idea. »

« Think about this for a minute. How much time do you spend looking for, reading or rearranging files on your desktop? Even if you have a nifty desktop search engine that achieves perfect precision and recall of every single item you ever look for – and please, let us know if you do have that search engine – of what use is that information to your team or your company? The answer is ‘none at all’, unless you are there to find and interpret it for them. While you are on vacation, and I send you an email asking for ‘that document that I know we wrote but that I only have the 37 draft versions of versus number 38, which we decided was final’, I have NO ACCESS to your personal stash of goodies. And, everyone on our team has the same 38 versions (more or less) stored over and over and over again, on desktop, laptop, shared file drive, memory stick and (sometimes) in printed form, just for safekeeping. But storage is cheap and search is good (enough). So what? There are lots of “so whats?” »

« How much data does the company have? Where is that data? How much is it costing us to store it? Can we find what we need when we need it? Of what business value is the data that we are keeping? How often is it accessed? What are our legal and compliance obligations? Are we using it to its best advantage or are we keeping it because its simply too much trouble to sort the useful from the useless and bin what we can’t use? »

Définitivement, cette analyste chez Gartner vise juste. Elle décrit très bien la réalité de la non gestion des documents technologiques dans un très grand nombre d’entreprises et dans beaucoup d’organismes publics. L’espace disque coûte de moins en moins cher : so what!

À lire également sur ce blogue plusieurs billets de grand intérêt.

Michel Roberge

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